ESCAPE - European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects

Published/accepted ESCAPE papers

First author Title Journal
Josef Cyrys (Helmholtz) Variation of NO2 and NOx concentrations between and within 36 European study areas: Results from the ESCAPE study Atm Env 2012;62:374–390
Marloes Eeftens (IRAS) Spatial variation of PM2.5, PM10, PM2.5 absorbance and PMcoarse concentrations between and within 20 European study areas and the relationship with NO2 - Results of the ESCAPE project Atm Env 2012;62:303–317
Rob Beelen (IRAS) Development of NO2 and NOx land use regression models for estimating air pollution exposure in 36 study areas in Europe - The ESCAPE project Atm Env 2013;72:10–23
Marloes Eeftens (IRAS) Development of Land Use Regression Models for PM2.5, PM2.5 Absorbance, PM10 and PMcoarse in 20 European Study Areas; Results of the ESCAPE Project Environ Sci Technol 2012;46:11195-11205
Meng Wang (IRAS) Evaluation of Land Use Regression Models for NO2 and Particulate Matter in 20 European Study Areas: The ESCAPE Project Environ Sci Technol 2013;47:4357-4364
Kees De Hoogh (Imperial College) Development of Land Use Regression Models for Particle Composition in Twenty Study Areas in Europe Environ Sci Technol 2013;47:5778-5786
Meng Wang (IRAS) Performance of Multi-City Land Use Regression Models for Nitrogen Dioxide and Fine Particles Environ Health Perspect 2014;122:843-849

Olena Gruzieva (Karolinska) Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts JACI 2014;133:767-776
Ulrike Gehring (IRAS) Air Pollution Exposure and Lung Function in Children – The ESCAPE Project Environ Health Perspect 2013;121:1357-1364
Elaina McIntyre (Helmholtz) Air Pollution and Respiratory Infections during Early Childhood: An Analysis of 10 European Birth Cohorts within the ESCAPE Project Environ Health Perspect 2014;122:107-113
Marie Pedersen (CREAL) Ambient Air Pollution and Low Birth Weight: A European Cohort Study (ESCAPE) Lancet Resp Med 2013;1:695 - 704
Monica Guxens (CREAL) Air pollution exposure during pregnancy and childhood cognitive and psychomotor development: six European birth cohort studies Epidemiology 2014;25:636-47
Marloes Eeftens (IRAS) Elemental composition of particulate matter and the association with lung function in 5 European birth cohorts - results of the ESCAPE & TRANSPHORM projects Epidemiology 2014;25:648-655
Elaine Fuertes (Helmholtz) Associations between particulate matter elements and early-life pneumonia in seven birth cohorts: results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects E-pub Int J Hyg Environ Health doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2014.05.004

Tamara Schikowski (SwissTPH) Association of ambient air pollution with the prevalence and incidence of COPD Epub ERJ 2014; doi: 10.1183/09031936.00132213
Martin Adam (SwissTPH) Long-term exposure to air pollution and lung function in adult: the ESCAPE project Accepted ERJ
Yutong Cai (Imperial College) Air Pollution and chronic bronchitis – an ESCAPE meta-analysis across five cohorts Epub Thorax 2014 Aug 11. pii: thoraxjnl-2013-204352. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-204352
Bénédicte Jacquemin (INSERM) Traffic-related air pollution and the incidence of adult asthma – A meta analysis of six European cohort studies Accepted EHP

Kateryna Fuks (Dusseldorf) Arterial Blood Pressure and Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution: An Analysis in the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) Epub Environ Health Perspect 2014; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1307725
Giulia Cesaroni (ASL Rome) Long term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of acute coronary events: prospective cohort study and meta-analysis in 11 European cohorts from the ESCAPE Project BMJ 2014;348:f7412
Massimo Stafoggia (ASL Rome) Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and incidence of cerebrovascular events – Results from eleven European cohorts within the ESCAPE Project Environ Health Perspect 2014; DOI:10.1289/ehp.1307301
Laura Perez (Swiss TPH) Air pollution and atherosclerosis – a cross-sectional analysis of four European cohort studies Accepted Environ Health Perspect

Rob Beelen (IRAS) Effects of long-term exposure to air pollution on natural cause mortality: An analysis of 22 European cohorts Lancet 2014;383:785-795
Rob Beelen (IRAS) Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 European cohorts within the ESCAPE project Epidemiology 2014;25:368-378
Ole Raaschou-Nielsen (DCS) Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) Lancet Oncol 2013;14:813-822
Konstantina Dimakopoulou (Athens) Air pollution and non-malignant respiratory mortality in 16 cohorts within the ESCAPE project AJRCCM 2014;189:684-696
Meng Wang (IRAS) Long-term exposure to particle components and natural cause mortality: an analysis of 19 European cohorts within the multi-center ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects Environ Int 2014;66:97-106

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